VA: Convicted Sex Offender Elected to Virginia Senate

[ – 11/11/19]

One of the many Democrats elected to the Virginia Senate on Tuesday is a convicted sex offender and disbarred lawyer, according to Breitbart.

Joe Morrissey was jailed and lost his license to practice law after being convicted of having sex with his 17-year-old secretary. He pled guilty to a misdemeanor in the ensuing court case and served for only three months in a “work-release term.” He was also forced to resign from his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, but then ran again in the special election to retake the seat and was re-elected.

Morrissey then went on to marry the girl in 2016, and she gave birth to their first child at 19. They now have three children together. Morrissey is 62.

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This is encouraging! I really hope to see more cases like this.

Joe Morrissey for President!


What obstacles he must’ve overcame to get that seat! For starters getting voters to see past his convictions and Registrant status…wow!

It feels like Registrants are being represented even though I don’t know what his beliefs are or what his campaign platform was.

Either way this is progress and I hope we could use it to ride that tide of change for sanity.

As for Ron Book and people like him, if they’re reading this, I want them to put their ears to the ground and listen very carefully…

Because that is the sound of hell freezing over.

Mr. Morrissey is not required to register as a sex offender.

Yes, he was convicted of the heinous crime of having a relationship with a 17 year old who is old enough to legally hold employment but under no circumstance old enough to engage in willing sexual relations (absent a marriage certificate – though he is currently married to his “victim”).

But he is not on the sex offender registry. Big difference. And therefore irrelevant.

If nothing else this is a prime example that the Registry is indeed punishment. This person avoided the Registry and married his “victim” ha….haha….sorry, that one always gets me.
But yeah….were he to be a Registrant, hell would freeze over before he started a career in Politics…good times 😃

This is postive even thonits 2019 I pray we can have more people like this elected

Leave it to true Justice to overtake others in this disadvantage way which is unjust in a lot of principals. Should one praise the internet of justice or the teleprompter of this common sense justice system today’ or the common sense of right and wrong. Are we all prisioners of our own device or who is perfect with the quick answer to overcome another or to justify themselves.

If true justice is going to come it might as well come from Virginia or even another state. Yes we all could talk about our four fathers or is government just as unjust as in the civil war days and still bias as the 1964 march or even this past riot to overcome or denounce the presidential election. So who’s over throwing who today in a court of Justice or is the little man getting screwed by computer jargon in a shadowy type way. Guess Cain couldn’t get along with Able so who is murdering who today by this unjust incarceration or even probation in their justification. One wonders if a moonshiner is as worse as a sex offender?